Tennis elbow is a common condition that affects people of all ages and occupations. It is also known as lateral epicondylitis and is characterized by pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow. This condition is caused by overuse of the forearm muscles which places excessive tension on the tendons, leading to small tears in the tissue. Physiotherapy is an effective treatment for tennis elbow.

A physiotherapist can provide exercises and techniques to reduce pain, improve flexibility, and strengthen the muscles and tendons in the forearm. In this blog, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for tennis elbow, and how physiotherapy can help. Causes: Tennis elbow is caused by overuse of the forearm muscles and tendons. This can occur due to repetitive activities such as gripping, twisting, or lifting heavy objects. The name was derived from it’s prevalence among tennis players who use a backhand stroke with poor technique, leading to strain on the forearm muscles. Often times, the forearm muscles are overworked because of deficiencies in shoulder muscles. Our In-Home Physiotherapists could assess and analyze how you do tasks around the house and find the root cause of your overuse injury. Symptoms: The most common symptom of tennis elbow is pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow. This pain can also spread to the forearm and wrist.

The pain may be worsened by gripping or lifting objects, and can be particularly severe when the forearm is twisted or extended. Other symptoms of tennis elbow may include weakness in the forearm, stiffness in the elbow joint, and a reduced range of motion in the arm. Treatment: The treatment of tennis elbow depends on the severity of the condition and the root cause of the condition. In most cases, rest and ice can help reduce symptoms in the short term. Physiotherapy is the treatment of choice to fully eliminate symptoms and prevent recurrence. A physiotherapist can provide a range of techniques such as massage, manual therapy, targeted exercises and electrotherapy. Together, these are effective to help reduce pain, improve flexibility, and strengthen the muscles and tendons in the forearm. Physiotherapy exercises are tailored to both, the person’s own mechanical system and their activity needs.

In Home Physiotherapy can be beneficial therefore to improve the customization of the treatment plan to one’s own environment and tasks. Specific exercise prescription helps to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, which can reduce pain and improve mobility. Prevention: To prevent tennis elbow from occurring, it is important to avoid repetitive activities that can strain the forearm muscles and tendons. It is also imperative to engage your shoulder muscles and core while you do any activity with the arms. If you engage in activities that may cause tennis elbow, take regular breaks and stretch the affected muscles. It is also important to use proper technique when engaging in activities that require repetitive arm movements. Our physiotherapists provide guidance on proper technique to reduce the risk of injury. Conclusion: Tennis elbow is a common condition that can cause significant pain and discomfort. Physiotherapy can be an effective treatment for tennis elbow, providing exercises and techniques to reduce pain, improve flexibility, and strengthen the affected muscles and tendons. If you are experiencing symptoms of tennis elbow, it is important to seek treatment from a qualified physiotherapist. With the right treatment, most cases of tennis elbow can be effectively managed, allowing you to return to your normal activities with reduced pain and improved mobility.

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